
Friday, December 7, 2012

My real Christmas Tree!

It has become a tradition in our family to go pick out a real Christmas tree.  We don't go anywhere special, we went to Smith's Marketplace this year.  It is just fun to pick one out, and I love the smell.

This year Devin picked our tree.  In the lot this tree looked so perfect.  Not that it isn't perfect, but it is WAY larger than we original thought.  When we got it in our front room we realized how big it was.

 My daughter and I made most of the ornaments on this tree, but we didn't really anticipate a tree this big so we had to make a few more!

I gathered Burlap to help fill the space and add a vintage feel. (tutorial on gathering coming soon!!)

This is my favorite Ornament my daughter and I made.  The center is a wood drawer pull I turned upside down and hot glued the cinnamon sticks into and I glittered the center.

The glass ornaments are vintage ornaments my mom gave to me.  I love them!!

We also made this book page garland.  We cut pages into triangles and hot glued them on to twine!  This garland was an after thought, this tree was so full we needed more to make it look decorated.  I love the special touch it adds.

Here is a link to our Glittered Pinecones and Snowflakes tutorials




  1. I love your tree! I always get a real tree and size is always interesting--you never know what it will really look like inside your house. I really like the Grand Fir we got this year and I think yours is perfect--I love a big tree :) Good job with the decorating!

  2. Looks beautiful! Did you have to cut a little bit off the top of the tree? We had to do that once :)

  3. It is so beautiful, I love the book page garland, I'd love to do that with my tree...maybe for next year!
