
Monday, June 1, 2015

Vintage Fold Down Desk

My sister found this desk for me at a garage sale and sent me pictures.  I had been wanting to get my hands on one of these for sometime so I bought it.  Since I had just seen pictures of it I was a little worried about the condition when it arrived.  It was missing a leg, luckily I found the missing piece in the drawer.  And as you can see the scratches and dings were very deep.  I wanted to salvage as much of the wood as I could...and so the stripping and sanding began.  I was pleasantly surprised at how easy most of the scratches came out!  Are you ready to see the finished piece.....

And here she is all dolled up!  

I am so glad I was able to salvage the wood, the grain is so rich.
The wood is stained with Miniwaxes Early American and top coated with a spar urethane in semi-gloss.  I love the contrast of the painted letter shelves.

This is painted with a custom mixed cream, I know I always say that, I am sorry :(  I then glazed the painted part and sealed it with a Spar Urethane in Satin.

I am just in love with this little desk!!

My dresser turned bench has been entered into a Competition on Bob Vila .....

You can vote HERE it will only take a few seconds!!
Thank you

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  1. Oh wow! That is just lovely! It is amazing that you got to keep the wood! It looks so new and fresh! Great job:) And a great piece of furniture:)

  2. This is amazing! I always love it when people can restore original wood, especially the two tone look! Gorgeous!

  3. Very well done!
    It was pretty beaten up but now it is gorgeous.

  4. You did a fabulous job on this makeover Brooke! The wood is gorgeous and so worth staining rather than painting.

  5. This is beautiful. I love the colour you chose for the wood. I think it was a good idea to paint the mail slots as they would be difficult to sand and strip.

  6. I absolutely love this! Thanks for sharing it with us. Pinned and tweeted. I hope to see you tomorrow night at 7 pm. We can't wait to party with you! Lou Lou Girls

  7. A really stunning piece! Love the wood and paint combination. Thanks so much for sharing. Featured you at Be Inspired this morning.

  8. That wood is gorgeous! And I adore the custom cream: it has a really lovely earthiness.

  9. How did you sand the desk part? Mine is missing the drop down desk but I am not sure how I am going to be able to sand under the letter spots.
