
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Glazing with a Stain

I have always loved to glaze with a stain, I love how it really antiques the piece, and I love how brown  Dark Walnut stain is, it never seems to look orange.  The only draw back is working time is VERY VERY short, well I have a solution!  My bar stools were my first experiment and I am so pleased with how they turned out, I had to try it on a few accessories too and of course share!

Here is what I did

I mixed 1 part of Mini Wax's Dark Walnut with 2 parts Valspar's Clear Mixing Glaze. 
#1 paint your item your desired color
#2 Distress it.  I wanted white to show through so I first primed it and then painted the pink over the top.
#3 Brush your above mixture all over.  Now adding the mixing glaze does increase your working time however it still does dry faster than a regular glaze so have wet wipes on hand to wipe off quickly.  If you are doing a bigger piece, for example my stools, I picked an area, painted on the stain glaze mixture and then wiped it off before moving on to another area.   

and TADA...

I used the same technique on this shelf and look at the difference, instant antiquing!




  1. Everything looks beautiful Brooke - but I just love how the glaze worked on the pink mirror!!!

  2. Your instant antiquing looks really good! Love all the sweet pastel colors around the shelf. So pretty!

  3. Love the antique look!! Thanks for sharing an easier way to achieve this look.

  4. I am in LOVE with that pink frame! I love the texture of it and all the nooks and crannys!

  5. Thanks so much for this amazing tip! I used it on my dining room chairs and they turned out fantastic!

  6. I have never made my own glazing mixture so I have a question. Isn't Valspar glazing mix a water based product? How does it mix with an oil based stain? Thank you!

  7. I love your stool! Can you tell me what color it is? Thanks!

  8. Love this effect but can't seem to get the mixing glaze in the UK, can I add a water based varnish to the stain instead? Thanks x

  9. I'm unable to find the mixing glaze in the UK, can I use a water based varnish instead? Also what finish does it leave on the item, satin or matt? Thanks

  10. I know this is old, but I've just been bitten by the diy furniture bug:) and just found your site.
    I'm doing my first project now, our oak dining table. The legs are white and top and chairs are a shiny natural oak. I've stripped and sanded the top, and actually have Dark Walnut for the top;)
    I played around with my new random orbital sander and sanded the legs a bit. I like how it looks distressed. My plan has been to paint the chairs a blue and green and distress them( do I really have to sand ALL those little spindles!!?). I planned to spray paint them..but I realized today that if I do this the wood showing through on legs and chairs will be the light oak color, and not match the dark walnut top?
    I was thinking I'd maybe do a dark brown primer on these before I painted them? But I like this idea better. So basically everywhere I've distressed, the natural oak will be stained the dark walnut?
    I'm sorry this is so long- I've not seen this done. I'm off to pinterest it now but thought I'd ask!;)
