
Thursday, July 9, 2015

My First Vintage Market....

I have been wanting to be part of a Vintage Market for quite sometime.  It seems to be one of those things that has been on my bucket list, but the time has just never seemed to be right....until NOW!  I am going to be part of the 3 Dotters Vintage Market on August 1st, and so the preparation begins.  I have done my own in home boutique before but nothing at this level.  I am a little nervous and anxious.....Will I plan for everything?  What will I forget?  Will I price my items right?  Will I have enough items or will I have too many?  The questions are swirling around in my head at 100 mph.  I suppose it is a good thing I am asking these questions in hopes to be as prepared as I can be.  I have been a customer at many markets, it will be a change to be on the other side of things!  

I have so many odds and ends I have collected over the years it will be good to go through things and get them all ready for the market and it gives me an excuse to shop....right??!!

I have had these shutters stashed in my garage for way to long, they will be making their way to the market with me!

If you can come to the Market I would love to see you, please stop by and introduce yourself, I would love to meet you!!




  1. Good luck! I know how much work you are going to put into it and I hope you have great success.

  2. Good luck!! I sold at my first market in June and was pleasantly surprised with how well it went, and how many people I was able to meet!
