
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Thank you!!!!!!!!

With every event in your life comes a learning opportunity.  I was so excited when I got the email from Bob Vila that they had chosen my dresser turned bench to feature in their Thumbs Up Competition.  These are the things I dream of.  I am slightly competitive so I scoped out my competition and realized quickly I had some tough competition and it would be a stretch for little ol' me to win this.  The first day out the gate was my daughters birthday, when I pulled up the stats that night I was already down 400 votes.  WOW, right how do you come back from that?  I knew I had to start right away marketing it and getting my project out there so people would see it and vote.  I was getting a little desperate and had to start thinking out of the was I going to get votes?  I started sending out texts and messages to my friends and family asking them to vote.  Followers started sharing it on their pages and voting.  By about mid month I was amazed at the support I was receiving.  As I would send out reminder texts I would often get texts back with things like "I have been voting on 5 devices every day and I have some of my friends doing the same thing."  or I would just text random texts and messages from people to tell me I was up that day.  I even got a text from my Grammy the day my Papa got out of a major surgery that I was up and they were both voting for me. At church on Sundays people would stop me to ask me how it was going and let me know they were voting and recruiting people too! Never in a million years would I have imagined this kind of support, and a lot of it was from people I didn't ask or even know.  I know I too often get caught up in my own little world and forget to look outside the box, but today my heart is full of gratitude, not for winning this competition but for so much more than that.  This month I realized how important it is to support one another, I learned that we all need each other for love, for support, for friendship it is the little things that make the difference!

So Thank you so much to EVERYONE it is truly appreciated.  I didn't win this...WE WON THIS!!!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I was rooting for you and voting and thrilled to see that you won. Last I checked you were in second place. Your hard work marketing this paid off!
